
Price list for Myotherapy, Remedial Massage and Sports Massage services in Essendon, VIC 3040

Below is our price list for all MyotherapyRemedial Massage & Sports Massage services.

Prices are current as of July 2024 and are before healthcare rebates.

Please bring your healthcare card for on-the-spot refunds. We accept cash, EFTPOS and all major credit cards.


Initial Consultations

  • 50 Minutes - $115

  • 80 Minutes - $150

Return Consultations

  • 30 Minutes - $78

  • 50 Minutes - $110

  • 80 Minutes - $145

Remedial Massage

Initial Consultations

  • 50 Minutes - $95

  • 80 Minutes - $125

Return Consultations

  • 30 Minutes - $65

  • 50 Minutes - $90

  • 80 Minutes - $120

Sports Massage

Sports massage prices vary based on practitioner qualifications. See our Myotherapy and Remedial Massage pricing for details.